Monday, March 21, 2005

March 17 Hoi An to Lang Co - Sand between our toes

We had a late start this morning (9 AM versus our normal 7 AM) and then visited Marble Mountain. Did some "tourist stuff" there visiting a studio where they carve and sell marble statuary and many smaller stone items. We were so impressed with the beauty of the items that most of us will be carrying a small stone Buddha or something home when we go. Thank heavens I purchased a small enough "Happy Buddha" that will not have to pay for an extra seat on the aircraft to get him home.

We made a visit to the famous "China Beach" where many soldiers enjoyed a bit of time away from the horrors of their war posts. China Beach is actually a long stretch of beach and there is a resort being built which promises to definitely change the now remote feel of the area.

We traveled through Hai Van pass and arrived at a resort called "Lang Co" with deluxe cottages overlooking the ocean complete with French doors leading out onto patio and the spectacular view.

This was to be a special evening for the group. After dinner we proceeded down to the beach where we convened our usual evening "group" session gathered together on beach blankets with glow sticks and citronela candles. We each talked of our original goals for the trip and the impact it had already had on us. It was a very special time of sharing and healing.

All of Life is An Adventure
You just have to be willing to get some sand between your toes,


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