Saturday, June 25, 2005

June 24 Marshall, Illinois

What a beautiful spot we have found at the Lincoln Trail State Park just west of the Illinois/Indiana state border. They do not use a reservation system in this state so we had no problem getting in. This is our second full day here and we will be here at least 2 more.

The park is over 1,000 acres, green, lush and wooded. They have created a lake with a manmade dam and stock it with a number of species of fish. Nice facilities with picnic grounds around the lake, group camping and two large sections of camp sites. It is so well established that the trees (mostly beech and my favorite sweet gum) are enormous and provide lots of shady spots. It is really needed as the temperatures have been over 90.

Don't know how they do it here. Some of the people must be really acclimatized to the heat as they sit out all around visiting with one another. Man yesterday at the restaurant here had on a long sleeve flannel 90 degree weather. The people next to us have firewood stacked up and built a big, WARM campfire last night...weird...can anyone explain this to me?

The town of Marshall is a real experience. Very small with population les than 4000. Very pretty with Italian style regal homes. It is part of the Historic National Road and was established in 1827. It reminds me of something out of a movie set...tonight they are having the city band play music outdoors at the courthouse square...complete with an old fashioned ice cream "social". Of course we are going!

Tomorrow night is "Downtown Movie night at sunset"...must be an outdoor screen...sounds like fun too if we remember to take our bug repellent along.

Cell phone service is very spotty here and internet is not available. However we searched out today and found their tiny WalMart (car wash supplies for the motorhome), an IGA grocery (yummy sugarfree popsicles), a thrift shop (paperback books 10 cents each and a florescent swimsuit for 75 cents) and a medical clinic/lab (for my monthly blood test) all is right with the world.

We are having an enjoyable time exploring America and discovering the style of travel we best enjoy...SLOW is the word!



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