Monday, October 10, 2005

Oct 10 Tucson, AZ - Reflections on last weeks Balloon Fiesta

Finally back at a park with an internet connection so I can catch up on my blog posts. We will be here in Tucson through the end of the week visiting with Jess Devaney..."TOP man" at TOP (Tour of Peace Vietnam Veterans). More on Tucson later...for now some reflections on our Albuquerque adventures.

We stayed at the Balloon Fiesta from the 6th through the 9th. We had an awesome time and would recommend the Balloon Fiesta to anyone who can attend.

My big thanks to our good friends, John & Janice Roner who recommended the Fiesta to us and in particular parking in the VIP section. I mentioned at check-in that Gary was disabled and anything we could do to shorten walking distances would be appreciated. Well they put us right in the front row of motor homes and we had the option of just sitting in the RV and watching from there if we wanted.

We did enjoyed the view from the coach but also wandered down onto the field to be right there among the balloons as they were inflating them. What excitement! Rather than try to describe it, I will share with you a few pictures and hope I do not exceed the capabilities of my blog in displaying them.

This first picture is of our motor home surrounded by get the picture...we were truly in the middle of it all.


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