Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Finally no longer trapped

Living on a helipad has its advantages. Evidently they had an aid call the night of the 22nd and needed to air lift them but could not because of the road conditions around and on the helipad. One of the volunteer chiefs chased down this big yellow road grader and brought him and a sander/plow in to do a royal clean up job on the helipad.

After that was done, Rob Dore (pastor at the church) brought over his son and helped Gary dig our tractor out of its little shed. The not only got it out the door but turned around so he could dig a path and get it around the big shop to our main driveway.

Tom Slama came over with his tractor and started working from the helipad cutting a road into us while Gary worked his way out. Finally, after night fall, we had the driveway cleared enough to be able to put John Deere into the big shop and also potentially get the chained up Jeep out of the house garage. It feels so good not to be "trapped" any more.


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