Friday, April 16, 2004

Working with Technology

Daughter, Cindy, is working on adding our Old Bro' cartoon guy to this Web Log and we are learning together some new things about Blogging.
Just changed your level to "Admin" and I think that may make the difference for you Cindy...give it a try again.

So nice to have a "techie" daughter who is such a special "techie" friend!

My day today consisted of lots of hems and tucks in clothes that previously fit. Thank goodness Cindy has shared with me some of the items she has "shrunk" out of and that I am handy with the sewing machine.

Gary is beginning to think we will need a larger boat by the time I get everything aboard that I think I am taking on this cruise. He just walks by and mutters "42" (as opposed to the 32' boat we already have).

The neighbors are puzzled by our 10' dingy that Gary keeps wheeling out onto the driveway (so he can do woodworking in the garage). I think they have decided perhaps that is truely our "BIG" boat and not just the tender for it.

Gary started up the outboard today and ran it for an hour or so just to make sure everything is OK before we launch it for the first time. Initially it "purred like a kitten" but once I walked out to tell him how quiet it was, then it decided to spit and sputter and needed some royal talking know those short words under his breath. That did the trick and it was purring again.

Nuff for now...


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