Saturday, July 03, 2004

July 2 An Anniversary of sorts for Old Bro's "Old Lady"

Due to graphic content...some readers may want to skip this post...

Today, I celebrate a journey I began one year ago. It has become an ongoing journey in search of a healthier body and spirit. I have realized that I cannot have one without the other.

Never having been a "self-centered" person, I have had to become one. The surgical and monetary committment would have been wasted without the internal focus and self-determination.

One year later, I am 130 pounds closer to my goal and, according to my personal physician, have literally saved my life. Unlike cruising, this journey does not really have a set destination or "goal". If I were that fixed on numbers I would be able to rattle off the numbers of inches lost as well.

Instead, it was a matter of changing the tide I had been fighting my entire life and never again "going with the flow". Maintaining the healthy status will be every bit as important as attaining it.

So today I celebrate my "anniversary".

I celebrate the changes that have added enjoyment to this crusing adventure with my dear husband.

AND I also celebrate the fact that I will be around to enjoy many more very healthy adventures to come!

Anyone still reading...thank you for your encouragement and support.


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