Monday, June 28, 2004

June 28 Auke Bay

This morning we moved from Juneau's harbors to Auke Bay. On the map it looks like a very small move until you realize that the small channel in between is too shallow for us to travel it. Instead we made a 33 mile trip down Gastineau Channel and around Douglas Island.

Auke Bay is the terminal for the Alaska Ferry (same one we took a few days ago to go to Skagway) and is also a good step off point for our upcoming transit to Sitka via a number of other harbors and the famous Sergis Narrows.

Juneau was unreal this morning as we left because ALL the cruise ships were gone from the docks. Popular transit day for them and we heard a number of them calling in on the radio to announce they would soon be transiting "Gastineau Channel"...right after we left it.

Some necessary tasks must be dealt with so we are currently playing the "waiting game" at the laundromat. Nice new facility and Gary is getting his dose of television news and documentaries.

Tomorrow should be a bit more exciting with someplace new to explore.

Take care...Linda

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