Monday, March 21, 2005

March 18 Lang Co to Hue - Magically Enhanced Moments

This morning we departed for a day "packed" with special moments. In route to Hue we were able to visit the site of Gary's old fire base "Camp Eagle". We had some maps which Gary had printed off the internet but they were not as detailed as we needed. Consequently we ended up making one of our usual random impromptu stops to ask for directions (yes, in Vietnam it is acceptable for men to stop and ask for directions). It was magic...the woman we ended up asking used to work at Camp Eagle and could tell us precisely where it was!

Now let me explain to you that so far on this trip every previous visit to significant battle sites had been very remote, requiring beating down brush and hiking for considerable distances. It was like "someone" knew that Gary could not handle that type of site.

As we drove down the paved side road Gary began to talk about his memory of the site and it's location adjacent to a graveyard. Here we were driving through the graveyard and right up to within about 100 yards of the high spot where the command post had ben located.

Gary was able to walk very easily to that high point on an old asphalt road. We could not have asked for a more "accessible" site...again magic!

We were only there a few minutes and the lady who had given us directions showed up to make sure we had found it and visit with us. She had worked at the camp for a number of years and had an American boyfriend. We thought she was telling us in her broken English that she had heart problems but what she meant was that her heart had broken when he left. She greeted Gary and the other veterans very was magical!

Gary was describing a stream that ran through the camp. When he was there the soldiers had dammed it up and skinny dipped in the pond they created. I was his legs as I wandered down into the ravine in search of that stream so I could capture it in pictures for him. Once I had my pictures, I searched around for some special momento to take back up the hill to him. All of a sudden I saw beautiful purple and red flowers growing wild and started to pick some. About that time Gary was calling to me and the others that we needed to come back up the hill. Just one more flower and I would have a bouquet so I continued to pick before I answered the voices that called to me.

As I reached the top of the hill I was able to present to Gary what I called a bouquet of "Peace Flowers" replacing the bad memories of so many years ago. Again a magical Kodak moment. (Anyone too young to understand that term just ask your parents.)

Once we were back on the bus I was filled in on the two reasons why they were so anxious to get us back to the bus.
#1 - The local lady had pointed out that there was a danger of land mines or unexploded armaments.
#2 - The local police had shown up and were unhappy we were exploring close to area they deemed to be "sensitive"...not sure why but this is common here and you just don't want to get them upset.

All in all the visit to "Camp Eagle" was very rewarding...magical and we are so grateful to have been able to make it.

All of Life is An Adventure
You just have to be willing to go back and heal old wounds,


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