Sunday, July 03, 2005

July 3 Visit to Berne Indiana Amish Village

This morning we went over to the Coliseum and officially registered for the Wing Ding rally. Quite a gathering of a multitude of bikes even though the rally does not realy begin until tomorrow.

We were disappointed to miss out on a group tour they have arranged to the Amish Village in Berne south of was already sold out! We got to looking at the map and figured we could just make a day trip of it on our own as it was only 40 miles or so. The weather was great and it was refreshing to get out on the open country secondary road leading down there.

We were impressed with the number of Goldwings that passed us on their way into Ft. Wayne. They anticipate in excess of 20,000 at this event and all indications are that they will make it.

As we approached Berne we were going strictly by tourist signs for directions and found them in short supply. We made one "pass" through the town and soon found that since it was Sunday the very religious Amish people had closed up nearly everything. I had counted on an exciting meal but instead we ended up at a McDonald's with Swiss Chalet motif and a charming parking lot. They had signs and a special area in the rear of the lot for the Amish to tether their horse drawn carriages. Evidentally burgers are one thing they feel free to indulge in.

Our experience in McDonalds was unique and rewarding. We had barely arrived when a gentleman in a US Marines hat came up and shook Gary's hand to thank him for his service to our country in Vietnam. More and more this happens...spurred in part by a Vietnam "In Country" sticker Gary has on both the motor home and the Gary's disabled "condition" on crutches. This man lives there locally and was a Marine in Vietnam so he and Gary had an extensive conversation. The part that is so special about this is that finally after all these years these men can open up and discuss it...the healing continues!

At the suggestion of our new veteran "friend" we went back up the local road to a special Amish Village area where we found an Amish restaurant, gift shop and restored homes. Also found occasion to take a few pictures and learn more about the Amish...they DO NOT like to have their picture taken. If they realize you are taking a picture they will turn is against their religion. I had one young family coming down the road toward me and I snapped their picture and turned away. Immediately the young man turned around his carriage and called me over to the road. Gary said later he thought I was in BIG TROUBLE when I walked over to see what he wanted. Imagine my surprise when he asked me if I would mail him "the picture"...I said "of course" and got his address. But then I said "Now, let me take a good one of you"..."NO" they said it would be against their religion but I guess because they had not been aware of or posed for the first one I guess it was OK. They also wanted me to make sure to send my name and adress with the picture...anyone out there understand Amish customs/traditions well enough to understand this? If you do send me an e-mail about it but send to my pocketmail address ( not sure when I will be on internet again to "pull" my centurytel e-mail. The pocketmail address I get via my cell phone.

We just finished sitting outside our motor home watching fireworks for the second night in a row. Tomorrow night will be the BIG SHOW...these were just "after ball game" displays at the ball park next door to us.

4th of July tommorrow and I will be wearing my "Land of The Free Because of The Brave" shirt...give it some thought and thank as many veterans as you can...they really deserve it and appreciate it!



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