Sunday, August 07, 2005

August 6 Trying to Decipher Crumbling Headstones

Wednesday night brought a fairly violent set of thunder, lightening and heavy rains. When we got up Thursday morning we debated at how we could travel the 20 miles to Gnadenhutten to meet with distant Stocker relative, Jack Thornton, to tour some family sites. It was raining hard enough we even considered moving the motor home to get there. Finally we decided the rain was easing so we donned our coats, crossed our fingers and took off.

We arrived right on time and the rain had actually cooperated in not getting us thoroughly drenched. We were surprised to meet and greet not only Jack and his wife Mabel but another distant Stocker relative, Rich Emler.

Both men had brought along family charts and lists to share, but the best information was their long time knowledge as they have both lived here their entire lives. It was almost overload as they rattled off all the family relations and cross-relations. We toured 4 different cemeteries where family members are interred.

Some of the newer headstones are crystal clear and easy to read. However, when you are looking at stones from the early 1800s they are so badly deteriorated that it takes a great deal of imagination to decipher the engraving. I took digital pictures of all that appeared to belong to our branch of the family and now have them to refer back to when I am doing research.

Prior to our visit I had spotted on a map "Stocker Ridge". We asked Rich and Jack so they took us there. Low and behold there was a cemetery there (with many of our Stocker ancestors represented) and a small one room school house. We surmised that some of our Stocker ancestors lived on Stocker Ridge and attended this very school.

In subsequent research done today on this school (at the New Philadelphia library) we discovered that this was "Kings School" which operated from 1842 to 1948. We found that there was also a "Stocker School" on Stocker Ridge with records from 1890 to 1954. During its tenure, it had been expanded from a one room to a three room school house!

Our day of discovery with Rich and Jack ended off a bit wet for Gary and I. Once we had finished the tour of Stocker Ridge we went back to Rich's house to retrieve our motorcycle. In the midst of visiting with Rich & his wife we "allowed" one of their famous thunderstorms to sneak in on us.

We could not wait it out totally or we would run out of daylight...we waited until the heavy rain had eased a bit before we left...but our 25 mile trip took us on a very wet route right through the storm arriving at the motor home just minutes before it caught up with us again.

All part of the adventure!

The rain has ended and today we spent doing research at the county library in New Philadelphia...about 20 miles from here. Gary cleaned up the bike again...we will see how long it lasts this least till the next thunderstorm!

Hope all is well with everyone else.



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