Sunday, October 30, 2005

October 30 - Cape Lookout State Park

Bet you thought we had put the motor home away for awhile...well we fooled you and it is no TRICK but a real TREAT. We both love the storms on the ocean so when Gary suggested a short get away for a few days to Cape Lookout State Park it was a perfect. Mother Nature has not disappointed us...we had VERY LOUD thunder and lightening all around us Friday night. This kind I like and am familiar with. Not like the fearsome storms we encountered in the Mid West on our trip with tornado warnings and prolonged electrical strikes. Here in our home state of Oregon it is BIG thunder claps and blinding lightening, it gets through with it all at once and then really POURS rain. I loved it and especially cause we were warm and dry inside.

Gary has very fond memories of Cape Lookout as he camped here often as a boy. This was the favorite spot for his grandfather Web to meet them and have the family spend lots of time walking the beach, playing ball, skim boarding from one end of the beach to the other and having big campfires.

Also nearby is a Boy Scout camp "Camp Merriweather" where Gary learned many of his outdoor skills at a young age. He pointed out to me the large sand dune where the Scout bus would drop them off so they could hike cross country to this "remote" subsequent visits, as he grew older, he finally located the road where the counselors and supplies were driven right up to the camp...but for the kids, at least initially, it held a mystical remoteness to enhance their experiences.

I was very relieved this morning to awake to clear skies and dry weather. Daughter Cindy is doing a half marathon this morning near her Vancouver home, I know she does not enjoy doing her "power walking" on wet pavement so today's weather should be a blessing for her. I am there in mind if not in body to cheer her on.

YEAH CINDY...I am so proud of you and all you do.

A proud Mom


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