Saturday, April 15, 2006

Barely Home A Month

After getting so homesick on our Baja trip and feeling so relieved to finally get back month we are getting ready to leave again.

I remember how I used to tease a friend back in Port Angeles saying she would do anything...for a charitable cause near and dear to her heart. Well we are headed to Tucson to work for 4 or 5 weeks with our dear friend Jess at TOP (Tours of Peace) Vietnam Veterans. He does so much for Vietnam Veterans and the people of Vietnam and at this time in particular he and the TOP projects are in need of our help.

Hey we weren't doing much here anyway. We were home long enough for some much needed medical appointments and prescription renewals, water aerobics classes (for me), acupuncture treatments (for Gary), paid a few bills, did our taxes, disturbed the cobwebs and chased the dust bunnies in the house, reintroduced ourselves to our neighbors, had more accessories put on the motorhome, and even hunted Easter eggs with the grandkids in Vancouver today.

So now we are anxious to go out and burn up some of that $3 a gallon diesel and try out our newly beefed up steering and suspension on the coach. If all goes well we will check out a BIG Harley rally in Laughlin and then visit friends and siblings in the Phoenix area before we arrive in Tucson May 1st.

Stay tuned and we will keep posting for any who are following us or just happen to "drop by" to see what crazy things we are up to now. Just had an e-mail tonight from Port Angeles friends who said "You guy's are having too much fun!". Yep, we are!


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