Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Invasion Has Begun

We had been warned of the mid night visits but had not seen evidence of them yet.
This morning we looked out to our previously pristine snow covered yard to see a mass of hoof prints everywhere. It seems that the elk got hungry and decided to trim my bushes for me.

The two arborvitae right outside my office window are not totally gone but have been significantly "trimmed" we will say...oops...I forgot to check the ones down the driveway.

I just went out to check the rest of the hedge and it seems there was quite a group of elk as they really "chowed down" on them! Seems like such a shame but at the same time it is the way of nature. I guess we did not realize how bold they would be coming right up to the edge of the house.

One of the gals at my breakfast group said they tried turning on their spot lights to "scare" away the elk and it was kind of like the elk said "Oh, thanks for lighting up our target and making it so we do not have to eat in the dark!"

You would think our BIG dog Misty would scare them off...I am going to have to have a talk with her right after she finishes her nap...laying on her back in comfy bed with all four legs up in the air...what a threat she is!


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