Sunday, December 02, 2007

Makin a list and checking it twice...

No that is not a Christmas list I am making...I am trying to be more organized in my busy retirement and decided to go back to making lists of things I want to get done.

You say...wait, she is retired what is the rush? Well it is no rush but for someone who previously led a very structured work this new life style sometimes the little things start to pile up and you just feel you need to get caught up with the details.

Now that my dear husband is able to finally "play" in his new workshop, it finally gives me more time to try to concentrate on things I want to accomplish and feel more productive...

So tonight I look at my yellow tablet list...It had about 20 things listed on it and I feel so good that I was able to cross off 10 of those items (some of them pretty major accomplishments) and know better where to focus tomorrow.

We had heavy snow yesterday and it was so beautiful. Every day at this new house in a climate that we are not yet used to is an adventure. I love how beautiful it is and anticipate the mornings when we find elk grazing in the back yard when we get up.

Today is another chapter in the weather forecast with heavy rains all day melting the snow and lots of heavy wind. We are ready with fresh batteries, lights, coleman stove and even a generator if we need to power the house for any extended period of time. Pretty fancy "roughing it"!

Earlier my daughter posted to her blog and noted that she had 1600 blog posts...WOW...made me feel guilty that I had not kept mine more current. Since we settled into a less mobile life there seems to be less to share but I am pledging to try to keep up a bit more.



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