Thursday, July 10, 2008

More artistic exercises

Steep learning curve but we are doing better.

One of the things we struggle with is whether or not to color things and what color.

**The loon scene came out great with a tinge of dark green on the figures.
**We tried a similar technique with the lake fishing scene and are not sure how much we like it.
**Picture of the red romantic couple looks blotchy but it is just the picture. Next one of those I will do with an oval or some frame around it.
**The cowboy on the horse in white was perhaps not the best color to use. Some people rave about it but others do not care for it...perhaps because it would not look good on a light colored wall.

Some opinions are that they are silhouettes and should all be black.

What do you think? Let us know...we need the input at this point in time.


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