Thursday, December 25, 2008

Prolonged Power Outage

Cindy here posting for Mom & Dad...

They would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas...

Their power went out last night (Christmas eve) around 7pm and has been out ever since.

Apparently the outage is caused by trees on the lines that run up and over a wooded area & there were crews trying to repair it using snowmobiles to try to get to the damaged areas, but after working the better part of the day on it and seeing tree after tree fall around them, they have called it quits and said "let us know when the conditions improve, sorry but we have to go work on other areas where we can get access safely."

The community Mom & Dad live in up there is great, everyone is helping everyone else out - when someone goes to town (Woodland) they make the rounds to collect gas cans and get everyone fuel (for generators). And they are all checking on each other for anything they may be able to help each other out with.

That's it for now, hopefully Mom will be back and running soon and post something herself about the adventure of the Christmas of 2008 - Whiter than white can be with snow!


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