Monday, April 19, 2004

Keep Trying Techie

Well, daughter Cindy, I see the icon for the mariner man but it does not open up. Did you try going into it after you added it to my blog site? Appreciate if you can tell me if I am just doing something wrong or if it needs one more command from your techie book of tricks.

I missed a call this AM from a Seattle PI reporter wanting to interview me. Hope she calls back and catches me when I am not gone doing water aerobics at Salishan.

Tomorrow we are going to Salem to order some new diabetic shoes for Gary compliments of the VA. Might even cruise the isles of Costco to make sure there are not further items we may want on the boat...."42" as Gary would say...see earlier blog if you do not understand that code.

Did machine embroidery most of the day yesterday. Thought I was done but then Gary decided it might be nice to have an American flag on the sweatshirt I had just done for him. Did a really sharp looking bald eagle with flag blowing in the wind. Lots of fun but also lots of work. It was one of those ones less than 4" x 4" but had 23 color changes in it. Very dense and very nice.

Very close to being totally packed and ready to go.

Nuff for now.


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