Sunday, June 13, 2004

June 12 Lazarette diving in Ketchikan

Today has been an exciting day of minor repairs on the boat. One had to do with the septic floats...and we won't even try to joke about that's done and that's the important part.

The second adventure that had me "diving" in the lazarette (storage compartment on rear of boat...for you non-nautical types) was attempting to reconnect a heater air duct hose that had come loose. Of course all sorts of gadgets have been installed in the space between where I was trying to "slither" in and the disconnected hose so I was talking to them in very unladylike terms while I was "contorting" my body parts to try to get closer. I think it will work better now but trust me I will be eying all the midget type men (if there are any of such stature in the great state of Alaska) in the hopes of eventually conning one into taking a "dive" into the land of close hoses and instrumentation to perhaps fix it even further.

The weather here has been VERY wet and windy. They have 162 inches of rain per year in Ketchikan and I think we are getting more than our share. The warm weather clothes I brought along are in no danger of getting worn out at this rate...and that is exactly why we were working to improve the efficiency of our Espar heater system.

I just got finished laying out the course for the next "leg" of our adventure...from Ketchikan to Wrangell. We will do it in two days running with an overnight in Meyers Chuck. Hope to have the winds subside enough tomorrow morning to be underway by 7am.

More later in the next installment...


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