Saturday, June 12, 2004

June 11 R & R (Restin' & Relaxin') in Ketchikan

Yesterday we came to the realization that it was time to slow down, relax and enjoy the beauty around us. Our fish camp friends are doing this as a business and are under time pressure to find a weather window to get themselves out to Dall Island and their fish camp setup in preparation for their first paying guests who will arrive on the 15th. We do not have that same pressure and so decided to step out of the pace they are keeping.

First step was that we moved from the hustle and bustle of the downtown commercial docks right along side the BIG cruise ship docks. Bar Harbor moorage (where we are now) is a couple miles out of the downtown area but still close enough that we have can walk or take a bus there.

Gary suggested (jokingly) that we could still go back to the tavern for another shower but I was quick to locate the very nice ones owned by the Port here. Moorage is VERY reasonable at $11 per day. No electricity but we just run the generator a couple hours a day.

Just a block away is a large laundromat where we caught up on our wash yesterday afternoon. Found a nice little restaurant nearby to have a hearty Alaskan breakfast this morning.

Just encountered one of our fish camp friends and found that they have opted to stay at the docks as well because of the blustery weather conditions. Glad they are safe and not out battling the wind and rain that we currently have.

Had an awesome experience yesterday. We had walked back to the commercial dock to pay Captain Pete (fish camp owner) for some diesel we purchased from him a couple days ago. While we were sitting on the Northern Legacy chatting I was treated to an awesome sight on the commercial floats next door. You know how when you go to the coast and throw out bread the seagulls will circle around your head swooping down to get their share. Well, a fish processing employee was out throwing pieces of fish cuttings onto the floats. Circling above him was not seagulls but in excess of 20 large bald eagles! From the road side, you would have missed this sight but from where I sat I could see it all! Just AWESOME!

Today will be dedicated to reading novels, napping and beginning to plan the next "leg" of our adventures.

Take care....

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