Wednesday, June 09, 2004

June 7 Lowe Inlet, Grenville Channel, Northern BC

Beautiful weather all day long. Started off the day "sleeping in" till 8 AM while the fish camp crew were finishing up repairs on one of their boats. Whenwe left at 9 AM we took the lead and set the pace at our optimal cruising RPM of 1800. Most of the day we were traversing long, narrow channels or "reaches" (as they are called here). Lots to see along the bank with picturesque lighthouses and Coast Guard Stations plus waterfalls and snow capped mountains.

We encountered very little other boat traffic but the mass of the BC Ferry boat when it came by made up for it. We had a humpback whale putting on a show right in front of oir boat. Beautiful "tail flukes" rose high into the air as it dove. We actually had to turn our boat sharply to avoid running into him...he was that close. My first humpback whale in person and it was a real thrill.

When we entered our final destination of Lowe Inlet after 11 hours of running we had a surprise waiting for us. We pulled right up beside the 37' Nordic Tug owned by our friends Mike and Jan Bohart from Anacortes. What a pleasant surprise to see them and visit with them until I was literally falling asleep on their couch.

Took a quick dinghy ride over to see the falls at the head of Lowe Inlet before we finally laid our heads on our pillow to sleep.

Need diesel in the morning...will have to take advantage of the fish camp's onboard fueling facilities...wonder if they also do windows???

Two more days and if the weather holds we should be in Ketchikan.

still...Old Bro's Old Lady

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