Monday, July 05, 2004

July 4 Celebrating Hoonah style

Transcribed from captain's log:

We have been here for 5 days just kicked back, soaking it in. We have seen the hubbub of the cruise ships and the "white eyes". We have seen the poverty that the Tlinglit Indians live in but the real awakening was today. We witnessed the July 4th parade in "downtown" Hoonah.

Everyone turned out (all 881 of them). They had the parade led off with the flags...the US flag, Marine flag, their brotherhood Indian flag, the Alaska state flag, the Army flag and others were carried with such pride and honor. Everyone along the street showed their respect to the flags and their veterans. Their tribal elders are brought to the parade in their wheelchairs and walkers, all afforded honorary seating and full respect. These indians do not have much but they are a very proud people who highly value their heritage and their families.

The festivities of the day extended into round after round of competitions including egg tosses, water bucket brigades, foot races, pudding eating contests, etc, etc. There were awards for just about everyone in attendance, plenty of good food and prize drawings. Fireworks had already extended into the late hours on the 3rd and then started again on the 4th and were still going at 2AM the next morning.

We initially felt like we were intruding into their community celebration but they soon made us feel very they had each of the days we spent there.

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