Tuesday, August 10, 2004

August 9 Minstrel Island

Everyone had encouraged us to go to Lagoon Cove rather than Minstrel Island but we were gravitating away from the crowds we had heard about lately at Lagoon Cove so we went to Minstrel.

Minstrel was everything that we had been told about...run down buildings, dilapidated docks, deserted facilities, right down to the dead flies on the windowsill of the dining room! To think at one time it had a dance hall, hotel, red light district, and was the center of logging activity for the area.

However, in my own positive spin, the cup was not half empty but half full and we were able to catch up by doing two loads of laundry, check our internet on their very sllloooowwww connection, purchase a few boxes of our favorite snack (cereal), have an "OK" cheeseburger and get a good night's sleep before leaving very early the next morning.

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