Monday, August 09, 2004

August 9 Minstel Island

Well we finally had to literally "tear" ourselves away from Kwatsi Bay which has been such a beautiful place. We had taken the opportunity to really kickback and relax. Each day brought beautiful blue skies and sunshine but at least enough rainfall to continue to replenish the beautiful waterfall that starts high in the mountains above the dock. They have a trail you can take to walk and see more of the falls but yesterday one group ventured on it and came face to face with a cougar that was not budging and was not even scared off by the blare of a boat air horn. He was a threat to be taken seriously so we were not even tempted to venture that direction and the owners kept close track of their children lest the cougar come any closer to their home which is ashore.

We had gotten so well acquainted with the owners and their children that we felt we could just take up permanent residence but finally came to our senses. Each night they have either a potluck dinner or "happy hour" on the dock and it brings together the boaters who might otherwise keep to themselves. A good time was had by all and we were "exposed" to all sizes of boats and a variety of boating enthusiasts.

We encountered some old acquaintances who we did not expect to see out boating. Joe Baxter and his wife Cree are now living full time aboard their 42 foot sailing vessel the "Moosenose". I met Joe when he and I worked at Daishowa paper mill several years ago. A lot of time has passed and it was good to refresh the friendship and get to know him in a more relaxed setting. Joe and I sat and compared medical histories and found we were both working on the short list of the things that still worked rather than dwelling on the things that do not.

We will be just one night here at Minstrel and then move on south slowly working our way through more familiary waters to the inevitable homecoming (sometime in September). We say homecoming but it will be an arrival in Port Angeles with a list of projects to get done cleaning the boat before we put her away for the winter "hibernation".

Old Bro and his Old Lady


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