Monday, July 26, 2004

July 24 Hartley Bay

Here we sit at the "Red Feather Cafe" in Hartley Bay, far north British Columbian waters. I will try to describe this unique experience. We are at a wooden table under a makeshift sun umbrella on the wooden deck outside a residence that overlooks their very tiny harbor. The cook/waiter stepped out a large window to come out and greet us when we arrived. (This is the same young man who greeted us on the dock and invited us to come up and try out his "cafe"). He is definitely Indian but is singing melodies in Italian as he works to prepare our breakfast. Such atmosphere and a "floor show" to boot.

Hartley Bay has a population of less than 100 and is just a community of houses clustered around a protected bay with mostly brand new docks and fuel station (most likely government financed). The people have all been very friendly. We purchased fuel and then were told we could tie to their dock at no charge...even for the electric power.

Well my eggs have arrived so I will have to continue later.

The eggs were so good that we made arrangements to go back tonight for will be ready at 5:30.

We spent the afternoon walking the wooden boardwalk to see their tiny fish hatchery and marshlike lake that provides water source for it. Most fun were all the local kids who were enjoying the swimming holes on the river. Good clean fun on this hot summer day.

There are no roads or cars in Hartley Bay. It is all rough wooden boardwalks, motorbikes and ATVs. One young father came by with his two young daughters giggling on the front of their family car Hartley Bay style.

Local residents are involved in both fishing and logging. We suspect they also receive substantial government funding as their facilities, while limited, are quite new or recently renovated. They seem to have a pride of ownership and also boast the fact that their is a "dry" community with no alcohol allowed.

It was a happy summer evening for the young people of Hartley Bay as they threw each other off the dock into the bay. We both succeeded in staying on the dock and fell fast asleep soon as mother nature turned out the lights.

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