Tuesday, June 07, 2005

June 7 "Little America" Wyoming

Drove early this morning leaving Twin Falls Idaho at 7 AM. First excitement was the two juvenile moose I saw sauntering along the highway median much the same way our local deer do in Oregon. First I thought it was a donkey or something but then finally went back to cartoon images of Rocky & Bulwinkle the moose and realized what I had seen for the first time ever.

The weather has been very unusual with very heavy torrential rain, hail, thunderstorms and even SNOW. Then the wind kept getting stronger and stronger until reaching a mid day peak of reports of 20 mph constant and gusts over 50. We were sitting here in parking lot and just being buffeted around. Tried to "huddle" between other rigs but they kept moving. Finally now we have big semis on both sides and they pulled in late enough that we should have their shelter all night. This is almost like the sway we used to get on the Nordic tug at anchor so it almost feels "right" but will take some getting used to.

Even with the wind we had good mileage today with 8.8 mpg (yesterday was only 7.7) and the diesel down to local truck stop prices of 2.199 per gallon. Don't think we will ever purchase at regular gas station prices again...we are hooked on truck stops...now if I can just learn the trucker lingo!

Tomorrow we are headed further East on I 80 to Laramie Wyoming.

On the road again,
Linda & Gary


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