Saturday, July 09, 2005

July 7 Ft. Wayne Laundromats

Yes, we eventually have to get down to the basics of life. I brought along LOTS of changes of clothing so we would not have to do laundry very often. But now when I do it, there is so much that it is a real "production"...but that was how we spent the bulk of our day...we went through LOTS of quarters.

Later that day it was time to get ready for our departure the following morning. When we had arrived, they took our enclosed trailer and put it in a special storage compound a few blocks away. So we took the motor home down there to pick it up. While in the parking lot Gary was approached by a man (another Vietnam Veteran) who wanted to shake his hand and thank him for his service to our country. More and more they see his "in country" Vietnam sticker on the coach or the motorcycle and approach him. He also had one of his Veteran shirts on and in fact I had on mine that says "I (shape of heart) my veteran".

This event ended up being like so many others, where they both are so anxious and appreciative to have someone to talk with who sympathizes with and relates to their experiences. It was a magic moment. All of a sudden, as this man was talking he just got choked up and started crying...oh my, I just turned to him and said "I know what you need"...and put my arms around him and gave him a BIG hug. Boy, he really melted in my arms and we stood there hugging in front of my husband who later said he was so very glad I did it.

From there we returned to the campground and loaded our big red fun machine into the trailer and parked for the night. Later that evening another couple had pulled in ahead of us and were trying to load their trike (three wheeler) into a tilting open utility trailer. They were about 15 years our senior and were having a real time accomplishing what they needed to do. We went out and tried to help but still a "no go" so we stopped another couple bikes and soon we had enough manpower/peoplepower that we could have just lifted the trike into the trailer if we wanted to. Amazing what can be done when everyone helps out...heartwarming as well.

Remembering that we almost did not go to Wing Ding this year, we are so glad now that we did. As a result we now know the new demographics (aging baby boomers, early retirees, etc.) of the GWRRA membership and realize how well we fit in and enjoy their clean, wholesome style of fun. It opened our eyes to know how many others are now riding trikes or side cars to "accommodate" their aging bodies but still have fun. There were quite a number who haul their bikes with trailers, 5th wheels and motor homes so we are not that much out of place. We hope now to participate a bit more often in their events when it works into our schedule. Next year Wing Ding will be in Nashville, Tennessee...never been least not yet!


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