Saturday, July 09, 2005

July 8 Camping World Elkhart, IN

We left Ft. Wayne about 6:30 AM and "boogied" north to Elkhart Indiana for an installation appointment we had made at the Camping World service center there. Elkhart is the center of lots of RV manufacturing facilities so we knew the services and availability of items would be excellent.

The store was not the biggest Camping World we have been at but it was very well done and efficient. We had them change the engine oil (all 28 quarts !), change the generator oil, and install a product called Safe T Steer. We had learned about the steering product from a Goldwinger parked by us in Ft. Wayne. It stabilizes the motorcoach steering and keeps it from wandering so much on the highway.

It felt like we spent the entire day there since we had several items done but it was nice to get them accomplished. Gary is happy with the improvements in steering and handling as a result of the Safe T Steer Plus. I enjoy driving the coach but have not done much of it on this trip. It was like yesterday coming through Chicago...thru road construction...three very narrow lanes side by side and packed with traffic. Gary has nerves of steel when it comes to negotiating that type of situation and I am glad to let him do it. I get too spooked by trying to keep it in the lane when it is that narrow and cement barricades along the side to boot. Plus, I am much better at navigating, running the computer and back up maps than he is so I guess we each have our talents and our place.

Boy, I had one section of time yesterday when the GPS was getting interference in its signal or something as it kept telling us we were on side roads off the freeway and wanting us to detour to get back onto the freeway (I can hear my friend Janice laughing at this one). Anyway, I finally turned the voice command function off and followed the paper maps...good example why you still need them. Finally the GPS went back to being accurate but it was quite exciting for awhile there.

So we ended up spending this night in a Flying J truck stop in northern Illinois.


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