Wednesday, August 10, 2005

August 7 Pioneer Days in Gnadenhutten

Today we ventured back into the big town of Gnadenhutten to the park which surrounds their small museum and pioneer cemetery. In celebration of their "Pioneer Days" they had set up an early 1800's encampment. They were authentic with the old style tents, cooking over open fires with cast iron cookware. We were able to watch everything from wool spinning to casting of lead figurines.

My favorite feature was the musical group set up within a historic log cabin. They were playing with old country instruments including mandolin, flute, banjo, guitar, bass and my favorite the hammered dulcimer. They serenaded us with such tunes as "Danny boy", "Amazing Grace", "Shenandoah" and "My Country Tis of Thee". It was one of those magical moments and I loved it!

Another theatre group was doing scenes out of the "Grease" stage play, it was a bit out of place but very well done and enjoyable. As we sat relaxing under a tree enjoying the day, my Stocker friend, Marilyn who is the director of the local library came by and greeted us and introduced her husband who had more Stocker stories to share. This one was about one of the great uncles who gambled away his house and all belongings which prompted him to load his entire family into a wagon and move West. Another one for the record books...lots of spicy characters in this family!

Fittin' right into the Stocker Clan


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