Monday, September 26, 2005

Sept 24 Visiting with more friends from our Vietnam trip

Today we got to visit with Dennis and Alicia Smart. Dennis was one of the participants in our March trip to Vietnam. We really enjoyed our time with them. Talked and talked, went out to dinner and then talked some more. We had not met Alicia previously but knew she would be a very special person if she was Dennis' wife. It was great to renew our friendship with Dennis and get to know Alicia as well. Too bad all these special people could not live closer to our home base...but now that we have visited Denver we understand better why they like it here.

We have been pleased by the cooler temperatures and lower humidity here. Mother nature has put on quite a show for us with the changing colors of all the trees in the State Park we were staying at. We are anxious to move on toward home but not anxious to leave our little oasis here in the State Park and return to the busy highways.


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