Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Sept 14 - Sometimes You Just Get The Feeling Someone is Trying to Tell You Something

It was quite stormy last night so we found ourselves sleeping in quite late this morning. The temperature had also cooled off so that added to our rest for the much more like home!

Finally we were up, showered and the weather was so spotty, raining here and there I considered trying to take a taxi to the library to keep from having to get the bike out and in the weather. After checking out taxi fares we decided it was worth taking the bike out.

The setting in this RV park is pretty bleak...just an open flat expanse of gravel with only an occasional tree. I had heard the gal in the office tell about their big ice storm a year or so back that killed all their beautiful trees and left them without power for 8 days. We have had some problems on and off with off loading the bike as it can "hang up" on the ramp if the slope is too steep. This lot was so flat it did not occur to us that we would have an issue...until it hung up and of course ripped another hole in the antifreeze overflow tank that we had ripped in July at Oshkosh. As we dismantled the tank from the bike the situation worsened as it started to spit rain from the sky again. Finally we huddled in the empty cargo trailer and applied the "JB Weld" patch material I had luckily purchased just in case we had this problem again (this was what the nice maintenance man at Oshkosh had mended the tank with when we were there)...too bad my theory of if we have it we will never need it again did not work out.

We sat and stared at the tank waiting impatiently for the patch to "set up"...finally I looked at Gary and said "Somebody is telling us today is not a good day to go anyplace !". It did not take much convincing to get him to retreat to the motorhome and the adventure in his recent Clive Custer novel he has been reading...something about the Sahara Desert and he seems to really be enjoying the story.

Later in the afternoon, we finally reassembled the motorcycle and tested our patch by taking a quick trip to Wal Mart. The bike seems to be OK now so perhaps I will get my library genealogy research done tomorrow...that is unless we get another "sign". Nice at least that we are retired and can just shrug and say "Tomorrow is another day".

Such a blessing it has been to be able to take this trip at our own pace and take our itinerary as it comes. I even have Gary excited about the genealogy items I am coming up that is progress...and NEVER in the past would he have enjoyed reading novels the way he does now.


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