Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sept 22 Healthy Walking in Colorado Springs

Big event in this very restful day was taking a walk together through the town of Old Colorado Springs. I had taken this walk yesterday and wanted to take Gary back to see a special sculpture studio I had discovered. The temperature out was a very pleasant 70 to 72 degrees and he took me up on the invitation. All total we must have walked a mile and a half. Quite an accomplishment for Gary since extended walks have not been in his routine for quite sometime now. He did great and seems to feel better for it.

He enjoyed the special sculpture studio...the artist is Michael Garman...check out his website at

His sculptures are very unique and have such wonderful expressions. Best of all he has assembled them together into city settings with buildings, utilities, inhabitants, all complete. Then he uses lights and mirrors to virtually bring them to life as well as adding hologram type videos of people talking, singing, etc. It is quite an experience and actually reasonably priced. I am not into dusting "stuff" any more so I resisted any urges but at the same time enjoyed the experience.

Tomorrow we will move north to Denver...hope to get into a state park there which is very near to the home of the friends we will be visiting with.

Take care everyone and give thanks for not being in the path of hurricanes at this moment...that has to be so traumatic for those folks in the South. Having been exposed to some of the evacuees and relief efforts when we were in Arkansas, I can relate to it a little better...still mind boggling to think of what it might be like...especially many of the families who are still separated from or missing their family members.

Take care and give your loved ones an extra hug...



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