Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sept 8 - A Restful Day

Spent the day doing some online research into our ancestor's connections in Wichita, Kansas. That will be our next major stop as we again begin our trip in a westerly direction.

After watching news, making phone calls and checking online volunteer sites today, we have decided that there is not enough more here for us to work on where we can make a meaningful difference. What we worked on yesterday has been suspended as of today and the items will be moved to another yet to be determined location. Beyond that the smaller groups who have been taken in by the churches seem to be well cared for. We even saw on TV news accounts of larger evacuee encampments with military national guard personnel and police in attendance to "take care of them". Also realized that our health is a bit too fragile to do too many days like yesterday...too much heavy lifting, standing and lots of dust.

Tomorrow we will pull up our temporary roots and move on to a state park in Oklahoma on our way to Wichita for another tour of cemeteries and old Stocker residences. Should be interesting...I think I have a "fix" on grave sites for Gary's great grandfather and great grandmother...I'll keep you posted and also an update on the family home in Wichita that we hope to visit.

Take care...



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