Wednesday, August 31, 2005

August 31 Missouri Hospitality Again

Well, we have survived our cross-midwest dash (1200 miles in three days) out of the path of the weather fronts spinning off the remains of the hurricane.
Back finally into the friendly state of Missouri. I say that because it is much more relaxed and in a way more hospitable here. Like the RV park owner who just led us to our space with his golf cart...just like they did in Branson, Missouri when we were here so many months (3...can you believe it) ago in June.
Got the coach (that's the motor home I refer to) oiled and lubed this morning and now we have a quiet night or so to rest and clean up again until we move on to our friend's house in Arkansas. More southern hospitality I am sure...they are very special people and we look forward to seeing them again.
For now it is catch up on internet a bit and then an afternoon ZZZZZZZZZZZZ allow my body to catch up as well.


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