Sunday, September 04, 2005

September 4 Fayetteville, Arkansas - Visiting Good Friends

I have been so enjoying the hospitality of our good friends, Jim and Linda Buckner, that I have been lax in "blogging".
We arrived here on Friday morning and have been enjoying their lovely home and community ever since. We were able to park our motor home in their driveway and have access to their home whenever we want.
As Jim told us "Mi Casa es su casa"... "my home is your home". They went as far as to offer a bedroom if we wanted a break from the motor home but we are so trained at sleeping in our motor home that we declined that offer. We have however enjoyed the opportunity to take a shower without worrying about where to put in the quarters or running out of water/hot water/or drain water capacity.
This morning we went with the Buckners to their church, First Baptist Church of Springdale, which is reportedly the largest Baptist church in Arkansas. It was truly enormous and we really enjoyed our visit there. They have high tech screens and all the sound systems you would ever want.
More important was the welcoming Christian attitude of everyone in greeting us. There were open arms and big smiles. It was also obvious that the Buckners are treasured members of their church community. They have an extensive ministry that is reaching now even as we speak to help out the hurricane ravaged people in the South.
Tomorrow we are going with Jim and Linda as they volunteer for the MDA telethon.


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