Friday, November 11, 2005

Matthew Nelson also known as "Wilson"

This fine young man is grandson Matthew. We never call him that though as he is known to Gary and I as "Wilson".

The first picture we received of him as a very small infant had him wearing a "Wilson" shirt (said Wilson on the chest) and with his little round head he looked just like a Wilson ball and also had a resemblance to the "Wilson" ball that co-starred with Tom Hanks in "Castaways".

Daughter Cindy takes this nickname all in stride and even had him dressed today in a Wilson coat and shirt.

Wilson just turned three and when you ask him how old he is he holds up three fingers...but not all in a row. His thumb holds down one of his center fingers and it looks like he is doing the Hawaiian finger greeting (if you have been there you know what I mean).

Wilson is definitely all boy. Today when they met me at Sizzler in Salem for birthday lunch he was impatient with his mom who was trying to visit with us in the parking lot. Therefore, he got into the car and grabbed a plastic sack that he knew was going to so into the restaurant with us. It just happened to contain a newly purchased carrot cake and once he grabbed the handles it put the cake on its side inside the plastic cover and...well you get the picture. All I can say is the cake was delicious and actually survived his parking lot upturn quite well.

Around this little bundle of energy there is never a dull moment. He is very independent and strong willed...must run in the family...always wants it done his way. When we were done with lunch, Cindy had repacked the two remaining pieces of cake in their plastic box and placed carefully into the grocery sack again. On top were two take home boxes with left overs. Wilson again was impatient so, after rearranging the take home boxes in the sack to just the right balance, he slung the whole thing over his shoulder and headed to the door of the restaurant...he was done and ready to go.

My whole birthday lunch with husband, daughter and grandkids present was quite a treat ! and I feel truely blessed with them all.


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