Thursday, February 09, 2006

Doing more with my mouth than with my hands

Ever since our visit to Vietnam I have been working on leprosy bandages for the leper villages in Vietnam. They can be knit or crocheted...and many years ago my mother-in-law had taught me to knit. Well the gauge on these bandages is very small and for me they take what feels like forever to complete as they need to be 48 inches long.

I watched people crocheting them and thought it looked much faster so I convinced my friend Barbara to teach me to crochet. End result was that the learning curve was going to slow me down so much that it was faster to just knit anyway.

Since beginning our trip I have one done and another half way. I only knit if we sit and watch a movie in the evening. Well every afternoon at 4 pm we have a "social" with people bringing snacks and any drink they want to drink. I started taking my knitting with me to busy my hands (instead of eating) when I was visiting with others. It ended up being a big topic of conversation...kind of like this...
Linda, what are you knitting?
You mean they still have leprosy there?
What size needles are you using?
Is that special thread/yarn you are using?
They have to be how long???
I would like to work on them too, can I have a copy of the instructions?

One lady was so gung ho on it that I even gave her a ball of thread and an extra set of needles I have and she is well on her way already. I handed out the 6 sets of instructions I had and as soon as I set up my printer...probably when we get settled in Cabo San Lucas...I will print up more sets to give out.

Just like the ladies who are working on them in my craft/sewing group in Lincoln City...and the group of ladies I have working on them in England after finding me on the internet, I have been successful in multiplying my efforts and "doing more with my mouth than my hands".

I love the warm fuzzies I get within myself when I can accomplish things like this. The joy of being retired and having the time.

Take care all...


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