Sunday, January 29, 2006

January 29 We survived the road to Loreto

It was so great this morning as we only had one major turn to make to get to least to get onto the road to it.

The route we drove was a beautiful one along the coast line dotted with small beach front camps and villages. Awesome sights of crystal clear water and very rustic RV accommodations. We had been told that our destination was a special one and well worth the drive (127 miles today but we only average 40 mph on Mexican "highways"). However we were warned that getting into the RV park was going to be the highlight of our adventures for today.

First the appointed turn off the highway had been changed (common in Mexico)...we were told to make a Mexican left (that's when you first go right then come around and make a left across traffic : - ) ) Well the right was there but not the left as a median was in the way. The monument that we had been told to look for went wizzing by and off we went. Luckily the leader/wagonmaster was within sight and so we (and 5 other coaches traveling with us) sped up, listened to his wife on the radio and watched to see where he went.

As we wound our way through the streets of this small town...the people came out to greet us...not often when you see rigs this big on a narrow residential street (i.e. dirt path).

All of our group split off into different lost groups and it was quite entertaining. One gal stopped to ask for directions and made the mistake of giving some kids candy, soon they crowded around the coach asking for more and water to drink, etc. She said once they started climbing onto the roof of the coach she had to draw the line and tell them NO.

Anyway, the directions to the RV park was only part of the adventure...the real part is that the park is nice, well located but far too small for 22 rigs of our size. As per instructions, we waited along a back road, unhooked our tow cars, and they called for the coaches one by one to come in. Our wagon master had it carefully diagrammed out how to get us all in. Back up further...park closer...suck it up...keep your slide outs in cause there is just not enough room. Whew now all are in...wait we have room left over...anyone want to more...all laughter rose up because there is no room for anyone to move anyway.

We soon walked back to where we had left our cars along the side road and drove them on into the open spot we were lucky to have available.

This is actually quite fun being so close together. Tonight, I can hear one group chatting off on one side, another out in the middle playing banjo and singing, another still comparing notes on the maps and wrong turns they made today. We already had our 4PM social and now they are getting into it in earnest.

Most nights they build a campfire for anyone interested...everything on this trip is optional...except for having fun that is mandatory for everyone ! and we are really meeting that requirement.

Once we were parked today, Gary and I took our car and drove around town looking for the possibility of a pizza place...why he has a urge for pizza in Mexico I will never know. We found a couple places with pizza signs but they were all in out of business...should tell us something about the Mexican taste for pizza...or lack thereof. Finally went to a grocery and found one kind of refrigerator Mexican style pizza that he seemed to enjoy while I ate my salad.

They congratulated us tonight as it only took 1.5 hours to get us parked in here and the last group they brought in took 3 hours...perhaps they are just getting better and more creative at how they fit us in...but we will take the credit for now.

The nice thing is after working so hard at getting in here...we get to stay 4 nights...that is part of the "Baja Slow N Easy" it. There is sandy beach with a concrete boardwalk and a small harbor to check out. As well as lots of local colorful things and history to explore.

More in a day or see this place is so nice that we even have FREE wifi here...can't get it in the coach but I am in their lounge/laundry and it works great so you may see posts for a few days here.

Take care everyone.

Linda & Gary
still south of the border and then some


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