Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Here I sit with dust all over me, mud on my pants, wet socks, sunburnt arms and sunburnt eyes. I am tired enough to lay down and take a snooze but I just have to share the fun we just had.

I had signed us up for a 4 hour ATV tour and Gary kind of looked at me cross eyed cause he thought it was expensive ($50 each) and just plain crazy.

Well now that it is done, we both agree it is the most fun we have had in a long time. We were on separate ATVs and I was lucky enough to get an automatic. Out of our group of 44 people we had 18 go. Only one couple doubled up on an ATV, the others rode solo. Boy talk about ladies coming out of their shells...we all had a ball.

We rode up canyons, narrow mountain trails, up and down, around, bumpy canyons we did it all. Even a wet creek bed where the water sprayed up onto us knee high. What a blast !

The tour company provided (two guides who spoke little English)the ATV, helmets that did not fit, goggles that kind of went over your glasses and neckerchiefs to wear like bandits so you did not inhale too much of the dust and sand. Just looked at Gary and he has white circles around his eyes were his glasses shielded, otherwise he is covered in a mixture of sun screen lotion, dust, dirt, sand, etc. We took off our shoes coming into the motor home but otherwise are too exhausted to get up and shower or clean up.

At the end they took us to a big canyon with all kinds of piles of sand/dirt to just mess around on. Many of us got stuck, high centered on piles of sand and just plain tuckered out. From there we rode them back to the RV park on the highway...brave tour company but we survived.

I'd do it again in a minute...but better rest up a few days later.

Bandito Linda


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