Saturday, February 11, 2006

February 11 Cabo San Lucas

We made the BIG drive yesterday all of 66 miles from Los Barrieles to Cabo San Lucas (the southern most point we will visit). This is definitely an upper end tourist area as shown by the proliferation of high rise hotels, resorts and plush, green golf courses. Can you imagine paying greens fees of $200 plus for 9 holes of golf? Not me...I can think of better things to blow my money more ATV adentures or a ride on one of those wave runners I saw this morning.

At this RV park we do not have the luxury of Wi Fi so at the moment I am at an internet cafe and will pay $5 per hour to tap on this key board that must be 15 years old. Most of the keys stick so excuse any errors as I am going to fly through this blog as fast as I can as I need to pick up some passengers in about an hour to go back to the RV park.

Today was the day for our catamaran adventure. Half of the group (including us) went on a morning cruise and got to go snorkeling around the famous rocks at "Lover's Beach". Underwater it was bare and bleak compared to what we have seen in Maui and the Cayman Islands. But it was fun nonetheless. They also took us out whale watching and we found 4 or 5...then back to see lots of sea lions on rocks and have a very nice lunch on marguaritas for those who wished...good music and we were like a happy "Congo Boat" coming back. Lots of sunburn, hangovers, bumped knees from the boarding ladder but big smiles from all the fun.

So tonight the other half of the group is out on the same large catamaran boat for a sunset snorkeling...just good food, lots of drinks again (I am sure) and a ride back to camp provided by the sober participants of the morning trip. Actually it works quite well. Gary is resting up from his snorkel adventure so I drove in and knew I could find internet...and I did.

We are about half way through the trip and still having a great time. We have several days at each stop which makes it just right for us. We will be here 5 or 6 days total. Have a tour of a glass factory planned but otherwise lots of time to do stuff on our own. Last night we had a "brown bag auction" which was lots of fun with our wagonmaster dressed up as a red haired scottsman doing the auctioneering. Sounds stupid but it was really fun...they are great people and take very good care of us.

Today Gary had a bit of a problem getting back onto the boat (found that the neuropathy in his legs makes it extremely difficult/next to impossible to climb a ladder out of the water) and the tailgunner's wife who is an ER nurse (and a really special person) was right there to make sure he was OK.

They know most of the group are older (there is only one couple younger than us) so they plan frequent potty stops and other aspects to make sure our trip is enjoyable and safe. One man is on oxygen, one lady is crippled, another recovering from cancer. We even have a code for at night if anyone needed help they would turn on their headlights and honk their horn. It is neat that all the people are here because they want to be here and won't let their age or other factors keep them from being out experiencing the fun and adventure of life.

We are making some good friends and I am sure we will take another caravan trip in the future.


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