Tuesday, April 25, 2006

April 25 From The Banks of the Colorado River

We are not due in Tucson until May 1st so we are spending some warm, sunny days in Needles California not far from where Arizona, California and Nevada meet together.

We are parking in an older RV park overlooking the raging river below us. It is very picturesque and fun to watch the boat traffic up and down the river. Lots of jet skis, powerful jet powered boats and a few tour boats. There have been a couple swimmers across the river from us but the current is too strong to make it very popular. The dam up above us releases water quite frequently in the evening and the river level comes up a full 4 feet or more. Sounds like we are bored…but actually we are just taking time to “smell the roses” so to speak. We are staying here for 8 nights before we move south to Tucson.

Just 20 miles north of us is the town of Laughlin, Nevada who has their big “River Run” starting tomorrow. This is a convergence of tens of thousands of motorcyclists, mostly Harley, for lots of fun events. The “roar” has already begun with Harleys arriving from all directions. The vendors are setting up their tents, polishing the chrome and dusting off the leather.

Yesterday we drove north to the small old mining town of Oatman (let’s see was that Nevada, Arizona or California ?). It is really in the middle of nothing and very old and rustic. They have done a good job of fixing things up but not making them look new by any means. The stores are all very interesting but the best part was the “wild” burros wandering the streets begging for carrots to eat. They are really used to being around people and will come right over to check out anything you are carrying to make sure it is not edible.

Today we drove about 20 miles north to Bull head city for the big purchase of a ladder. We have wanted one to be able to reach the windows and such for cleaning from time to time. Got one that folds up small enough to fit in the back of our Tracker…don’t like the looks of people strapping them on the back ladder of their motor home. Surprised to find a big Home Depot store out here but it was nice to have the selection and lower prices.

I am really anxious to move on to our volunteer work with TOP in Tucson but am making good use of these relaxing days to catch up a bit on my sleep. Naps are a real luxury at home but here they are pretty standard…too hot to do anything in the mid afternoon and I have finally given myself “permission” to not have to always be busy. Not having a readily accessible internet wi fi connection keeps me off the computer as much. Only way I get a connection here is to drive a mile down the road to a fancy motel and sit in their parking lot to pick up their signal. Then I am limited to less than an hour online because my laptop battery only lasts that long…and guess where my cigarette lighter power connection is?,..yep, at home. Oh well, had not ever had occasion to use it traveling in the motor home and did not thing of doing computer this way in the car…next trip I will have it.

My group of ladies working on the leprosy bandages continues to grow. I work on them as well while I watch TV or a movie at night but so nice to know there are many more hands out there working as well.

Nuff for tonight…everyone take care and enjoy each day.



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