Monday, May 15, 2006

The Faces Haunt Me

The research moves on, one by one, as I search them out. Many have pictures with memorial pages but often not much current information to make the family search any easier. Many times the posts there are by their military buddies recounting the final minutes of life as they held their buddies dying bodies in their arms. So sad. Many feel guilty that they lived and recognize how close they came to losing their lives as well.

The faces haunt me, driving me on in the quest to find their families and return home the precious dog tags they wore around their necks.

I felt compelled to share with you these two pictures which I pulled up tonight. Such sweet young men who never got a chance to come home...who will be 19 or 20 years old forever in our memories. They gave so much for our country...what I do now is just a token of the respect and thanks they deserve from us.

Seek out a veteran near you and tell him how much you appreciate his sacrifice for our freedom. Freedom is not free and they have paid an awesome price for us.

Hugs and tears,


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