Saturday, June 03, 2006

There's No Place Like Home

Yes, we succeeded in outrunning the dragon and made it to the Oregon coast and our little house. Yesterday was unpack the motor home day. I had forgotten how much stuff we had taken along. It was nice to have so many changes of clothes so we did not have to live at the laundromat but it is a hastle to pack and unpack. Also had several items along "just in case" and did not need them...but sure as shooting if we did not have them...then we would have needed them.

Today we spent most of the morning washing the outside of the motor home. After sitting for over a month in the Arizona sun and heat, it was really dirty and dusty. At least we can wash it here and not worry that the windshield is too hot to spray water on...HA...not an issue here...we even had a bit of rain today. I love every minute of it.

We finished our coach washing early enough to fit in a short nap, sidecar ride and pulling weeds in the back yard. Very productive day indeed.

Another day or so of putting things away and I will feel settled again. Anxious to start sending out more dog tag inquiry letters but have to wait while new stationery is being printed with the new TOP office address on it. The calls and e-mail replies continue to come in at a very comfortable pace. I love the warm fuzzies when they express their appreciation for us finding them and returning the dog tag to the family.

Take care...Linda


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