Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What's been keeping Linda so "quiet" these days???

I would like to share with you the latest newsletter for TOP Vietnam Veterans. We have become very involved as you will learn from the newsletter. Life has suddenly become very busy but also very fulfilling and rewarding.

Hope you enjoy reading about a number of the dog tag reunions in which I have been involved...then you will know why my blog has been "quiet" lately.

Summer 2006 TOP Newsletter available online at http://www.topvietnamveterans.org/newsltr.pdf (best read on Adobe Reader 7.0) This special edition features the Personal Effects Program--it is full of poignant pictures, stories, news, and opportunities.

You may also access the Newsletter by going to the TOP Web site: www.topvietnamveterans.org and click the "Newsletter" button.


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