Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Life is Full of Changes

Yes, we have been very quiet for awhile as we have been very busy making some life changing moves...literally.

For quite sometime, Gary had been on the search for space to do some creative activities...welding, decorative fabrication, general hobby shop type stuff....but our current Seagrove House just was not big enough.

Also my volunteer activities plus attempts at sewing crafts and such had far outgrown the multi-purpose "office" we had designed in our tidy small house.

We drove the streets of Lincoln County looking for a shop to rent, buy, build but to no avail. Also I really did not want Gary that removed from our primary residence. With multiple, progressive health issues (that are just not going to go away) it is better to be closer to each other and keep touch during the day.

Finally came the day when Gary admitted he would be willing to give up our very special Seagrove house to have a house with shop space for him. As I thought over that concept and how drastic it was but yet the fulfillment of a big dream for him...I considered what are my dreams and are they being fulfilled.

When I first decided to start taking care of my health (i.e. lose weight) it was to be able to stay around and see my grandkids grow up. But living on the coast I was missing out on a great deal of that growing up. So I finally made the declaration that if we were going to was to be much closer to Cindy and her family.

So to cut to the end of the saga...we are now living in a very nice home in Ariel, WA (just 10 miles north of Cindy's home in Amboy). The house on the coast is empty and one the market just a couple weeks now and we already have a potential offer pending.

Spring break for the kids came much too close to the exhaustion of our move but somehow I could not pass up the chance for the much anticipated grandkid sleep overs.

10 year old Shareya stayed two days and two nights and was an enormous help getting things set up in my "sewing loft" up over the garage. She also has started helping with filling out some inquiry forms on the new 275 dog tags newly brought back by TOP from Vietnam.

6 year old Jenna arrived tonight and is already planning out her time and bending our ears with her chatter...I love it!

4 year old Matthew aka Wilson will be another challenge but we are just taking this a day at a time.

So that's the update for tonight along with my apology for neglecting my trail of blogs...I will try to keep with it better now that things are settling in a bit.


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