Sunday, December 28, 2008

The power keeps bumping along but at least we have lights

Well we have worked our way into the defrost, melting phase of the snow event and it is also proving to be interesting. The power was on and off so many times last night, during the night especially. You finally just unplug all the sensitive items and go to bed.

Here are more snow pictures in case you are interested in the status today...frankly I am getting really bored with it and anxious to finally break out.

Perhaps part of my frustration I have just realized is that I miss driving. We have been hold up here in the house now for two weeks...and prior to that I have not driven since before my surgery which was Nov 13th.

Patience is a virtue and I am trying to be virtuous but feel like everything is on hold. The Christmas tree is still up with packages under it. It just won't seem like we have had Christmas until we finally can brave that 10 miles to Cindy's house (or them to ours) to do our gift is always so much fun watching the kids try to hold back on ripping open the packages and then their reaction to the gift itself.

This morning we woke up with a hungry "friend" on our door step. It was a full size deer...snacking on the arborvitae nearest to our front door. When I first spotted her I saw her head, ears and body and it looked as though she had fallen into the 6 foot snow drift there. Gary got his boots and jacket on to rescue her but as soon as the door was open she stood up on top of the snow and walked off. She had already eated the shrub down to the level of the snow and was sitting there chewing the last bits as though she was waiting for it to grow back and provide her with more food.

Quite a sight but it will have to be left for your imagination as my camera was not fast enough to catch her before Gary scared her off.


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