Tuesday, April 20, 2004

It's Raining Cats & Dogs!

We have a Davis Weather Station with a scrolling description of the weather. Today it read..."It's Raining Cats & Dogs" as the liquid sunshine fell out of the sky. Seemed like more rain than the 1/2 inch that the rain gauge measured and recorded on our weather station screen. Gary has just been talking about washing the car and Mother Nature did it for him.

We had a day of variety...had an early breakfast at our favority (Wildflower Grill in Lincoln City), drove to Salem for an appointment with the foot specialist for Gary, cruised the isles at Costco to find a few last minute supplies and staples we wanted for the boat, and still got home in time for a restful afternoon. I added cuffs to matching Old Navy sweatshirts for us. I had just finished embroidering them with our Old Bro cartoon mariner guy...yeah the same one you see on the top of our blog page. We will really be in style when we hit the water this year...oops...wrong terminology...I do not intend to "hit the water" at least not that cold water of the Pacific Northwest!

Nuff for tonight...may go ahead and send links to this site to those who may want to watch our progress this summer.


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