Wednesday, June 02, 2004

June 2 Taste Testing in Campbell River

I'll keep you guessing on the title for a few lines here.

We have been enjoying some liquid sunshine off and on here for the past few days and then finally today the sun came out in all its glory. It is even warm as the previous wind has also calmed down.

We spent yesterday walking around shopping for some additional tide/ current books and some spares for the boat. Went out of our way to a large auto parts store in search of the special Delo motor oil that makes our Cummins diesel happy. Did not find the oil but really got our exercise for the day and thoroughly "stretched our legs"until they screamed.

Today Gary started out with one of those "nasty" little jobs that boaters do NOT look forward to. He replaced the "duck bill" valves in our septic macerator. Suffice it to say they look like the bill on a duck and do lots of dirty work! Nice to have that periodic maintenance done for another couple seasons!

Next he took off to hike again to the marine supply store and pick up parts ordered yesterday. This was in return for NOT having to go with me to the big super grocery store.

In Canada all the brands and labels are different (plus having French on one side) so it took me quite awhile of reading labels to make my selections in both the variety and grocery sections of the store. Hardest of all was trying to find something similar to our favorite Kashi Go Lean Good Friends cereal. We don't just eat it for breakfast but it is our standard snack food and satisfaction with it helps to keep us from all the "junk food" that we used to eat. Anyway I ended up bringing back to the boat boxes of SIX different cereals. We sat and did the taste test as well as analysing the fiber, calorie and carbohydrates involved. After dinner we ended up back at the store to purchase multiple boxes of our two favorites...not quite the wine tasting adventure that many might enjoy on their travels but none the less it was entertaining.

We have verified that the Group we are going North with left Port Angeles today and will catch up with us tomorrow. It will be so nice to follow someone through the rapids and passages who travels this route every year.

More later as we head North and our adventure expands.

Linda & Gary

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