Saturday, June 05, 2004

June 4 Blown Out of Port Alexander...Literally having a blast!!!

We were up at 4:30 AM to shower and be ready for a 5:30 departure with Alaska Fish Camp flotilla. It all went very smooth with us all looking like baby chicks (11 of them) accompanying their mother this case the 85' Northern Legacy.

Everyone watched out for each other calling out on the CB to report the many logs and obstacles we were dodging as we negotiated the famous Seymour Narrows and Johnstone Straits. Even going through at the optimal "slack tides" we at times had currents in excess of 6 knots pushing us along the waterways...nearly out of control as the steering gets pretty squirrely!

We made good time and arrived at our destination of Port Alexander anchorage in 11.5 hours. Only problem was that they had revised the weather forecast during the day and upgraded the predicted winds to "gale" force. Before we could even get all anchored and settled in our destination bay...all HELL broke loose with 45 mph winds gusting higher. Anchors started slipping, two boats nearly went on the beach and very quickly the flotilla "Captain" Pete declared us "OUT OF HERE"! We back tracked A VERY WET AND WILD 20 miles to Port Hardy...VERY protected and we ended up all tied to docks. Another storm is set to hit in the AM so we may get a chance to take a look at the least the nearest breakfast spot1

Just one more chapter in the adventure!!!

Linda & Gary

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