Wednesday, June 16, 2004

June 14 Wrangell

This was a perfect day for our transit North from Meyers Chuck to Wrangell. The winds were very calm and the sea nearly flat. We had timed the 50 mile journey to coincide with a negligible current even through the twists and turns of Zimovia Straits. We left Meyers Chuck at 6:30 AM and arrived in Wrangell right on schedule 6 hours later.

Since we were traveling unaccompanied the auto pilot worked flawlessly and we were soon on our second pot of coffee to keep from dozing off during the uneventful passage.

I kept scaning the expanses of shoreline to search out the illusive bears...but today all I found were "fuzzy rocks" and nearly got seasick from the concentration of binocular scans.

Upon arrival we found the Wrangell boat harbor crowded as predicted. We opted not to raft 3 and 4 boats deep with the fishin vessels and instead took assigned moorage at the outer horseshoe dock where the cruise ships dock. This is not the threat it was in Ketchikan as the ships are much smaller (less than 100 passengers) and only stay 90 minutes.

Wrangell is a very run down little rough and tumble type of town but everyone is very friendly and willing to help.

We are meeting lots of other boaters, many on the same general route we have selected so I think we will all be good friends before long.

We are staying well and enjoying our new relaxed traveling pace.

Each day is a new adventure,
Linda & Gary

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