Sunday, July 11, 2004

July 10 Some of the best shows are free

Today was catch-up day with laundry, groceries, showers, filling water tanks and charting our route for departing Sitka tomorrow.

On one of our walks we spotted a number of eagles overhead fighting over something. A little farther along in the harbor parking lot there was a large eagle with a slice of salmon meat and a couple ravens trying to rob it away from him. Walk a bit further and we were right along the beach front and a rocks area where some deckhand off a charter boat were cleaning out ice chests with salmon trimmings (heads and carcases minus filets) and dumping them on the beach. There was a large quantity of it and the number of eagles and ravens that had assembled was in excess of 50 and we were only about 75 feet from them. You could hear them tearing into their treasures. The majesty of a large bald eagle up close is something that cannot be adequately described in words...and then to have such large numbers of of those experiences you will remember the rest of your life!

This trip continues to provide us with such rewarding experiences like this...we are so thankful that we are so blessed at this time in our lives.

Next planned stop Baranoff Hot Springs

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